Our team at Hobbs Realty never loses sight of how much we have to be thankful for, living and working in the Holden Beach area, perched here in southeastern coastal NC on the Atlantic Ocean.

Part of our Hobbspitality family tradition is to give back to our community, as well as to other areas, as needs arise and our hearts are stirred.
Our Christmas season tradition continued this year as we worked with schools in Brunswick County to help children experience a happy holiday.

What a privilege to collect enough gifts, essentials, and supplies to fill 30 huge bags to support and sponsor 30 sweet children for a special ho-ho-ho delivery by our Hobbs elves!
Our neighbors in Western North Carolina experienced tremendous hardship this fall during the devastating flooding caused by Hurricane Helene. In addition to using a portion of bookings for helping those impacted, Hobbs Realty has been committed to stepping up to help.
"Thank you for delivering the Angel Tree gifts today. Most families have already been by to pick them up. Because of your kindness... there will be many happy children on Christmas morning. I am so grateful for your support. Merry Christmas to you and your Family."
See You Soon
Our Holden Beach experts are only a phone call away at (844) 846-4885 to help you find the perfect getaway at the perfect island location for you and your family. We love where we live, what we do... and sharing it with you!
We hope to see you soon.... at the beach!
Our team worked tirelessly to organize donations, including extra guest amenity kits filled with essentials, paper products, and blankets. We’re super grateful to our community, our guests, our property owners, and our vendors for their support, with a special shout-out to our local linen provider, Care Linens, who helped deliver the donations to some of the impacted mountain communities. We also coordinated and made contributions to trusted organizations with “boots on the ground,” such as Samaritan’s Purse and the Salvation Army, as well as matched additional donations made through our Hobbs Helping Hands benefit.
Throughout the year, the Hobbspitality Team is also encouraged to donate to charities of their choice, with Hobbs Realty offering matching funds. Donating to various charities and missions locally, nationally, and internationally throughout the year is also part of our commitment to giving back to the community and causes at the heart of Hobbs Realty.
We appreciate every person who has been part of these meaningful efforts and hope to see you soon - at the beach!